
Showing posts from March, 2024

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  Supersmart has more than 31 years of Excellence & Innovation in the high quality supplements industry with more than 450 products. Supersmart is looking for outperforming publishers in the category of Health & Wellness and offers a range pf supportive alignments! Sore throats are often an early warning sign of colds or flu. They can also exist independently as the result of some other viral or bacterial infection. Sometimes they are just minor irritations caused by winter's low humidity or too much cheering at the football game. Whatever the cause, here is how to make the most of a sore throat situation. Traditional Remedies: 1.  Hot soups and beverages slow viral reproduction by raising the temperature of the throat. Orange or tomato juice; or, warm lemonade made with honey and fresh lemon acidifies the throat to help destroy invading viruses. 2.  Lemon juice - a gargle made of the juice of a quarter lemon with a quarter pint of warm water is antiseptic and reduces infla